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I Do Not Like Talking to People

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I don't enjoy talking to people much, which is why I'm not very good at it. Simple greetings like "How are you?" and "How are you doing?" seem to me like an insincere way of fulfilling a social obligation without really caring about the other person. They convey a message of disinterest and a lack of time to pay attention to others.

However, I do love having conversations with people. Conversations are fascinating and thought-provoking and go beyond the minimal social norm. A good conversation is valuable because it opens up new perspectives and allows participants to share their thoughts and experiences. If done right, it shows mutual respect and strengthens relationships.

In a conversation, people seek common ground and share experiences and ideas. The art of conversation involves expressing views and opinions that may differ, yet still be heard and valued. It respects each voice without focusing on differences. The value demonstrated is a basic respect for people's voices and choices. Parties do not have to agree with each other, but they should respect and value each other's opinions. A good conversation becomes a discussion where ideas are expressed, analyzed, and advocated. It's crucial that conversations don't turn into arguments. Respectful exchanges help build relationships without creating barriers.

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